Everything is now configured and the next step is to restart the VM and boot up in debug mode:. Once the option is selected, there should be no difference in system startup. On the desktop, we can save a snapshot of the VM or prepare the environment that we wish to debug. If we go to the virtual machine, we can now see that it is frozen and we cannot move the mouse or obtain a response from the keyboard.
This is normal, given that the VM is stopped at an instruction. On the host side, we will see something similar to this:. Below that is the console with which we can start to send commands to WinDbg. The following table indicates which Visual Studio version is required for the different releases of the WDK. If your development targets systems that run Windows 10, version or Windows 10, version , you should install Visual Studio , and then also download and install the version of the Windows SDK for the targeted version of Windows 10, as identified in the following table.
This integrated environment gives you the tools you need to develop, build, package, deploy, test, and debug drivers. Please review Hardware development kits for Windows 10, Version To restore these files:. This environment doesn't include all the features available in Visual Studio, such as the integrated development environment IDE. Using the EWDK requires. NET Framework 4. For more information about which systems run this version of the framework, see.
NET Framework system requirements. For links to download the. Active 8 years ago. Viewed 9k times. Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Thomas Weller Thomas Weller 5, 7 7 gold badges 47 47 silver badges 82 82 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.
Sign in to vote. Tuesday, December 18, PM. Hello, You should start with installing WinDbg, configure symbols as can be read in many tutorial e. Good luck! Wednesday, December 19, AM. If you want to analyse your own dump files.